AP-131 Geotechnical Engineering Aids: Geotechnical Engineering Circulars
Straight Talking Circulars

The objective of this project is to develop a series of comprehensive and practical manuals that provide state-of-the-practice methods and techniques to assist the highway engineer in the design and construction of highway facilities. No other agency or group has assembled such a complete set of manuals for geotechnical engineering. These manuals, modeled after the well respected set of hydraulic engineering circulars and hydraulic design series published by FHWA, are expected to become a mainstay of geotechnical engineering practice worldwide. The first manual concentrated on the design and construction on weak foundation soils using dynamic compaction. It expanded and updated the 1989 FHWA technology transfer package that summarized the design and construction features of the dynamic compaction technique.

A 5-year contract was awarded to GeoSyntec Consultants Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, in September 1994 to develop up to10 engineering circulars in various geotechnical engineering disciplines. These will follow the format of the circular on dynamic compaction previously completed. The second circular, on earth retaining systems, was published in 1996. The third circular, on design guidance for geotechnical earthquake engineering will be completed in 1997. The fourth circular, on permanent ground anchors, is being developed, and the fifth circular on soil and rock properties are being developed.

    Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.1, Dynamic Compaction (FHWA-SA-95-037)

    Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.2, Earth Retaining Systems (FHWA-SA-96-038)

Earlier Geotechnical Engineering Manuals

    Manual on Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations (FHWA-DP-66) is also available from the National Technical Information Services [NTIS No. PB-89 122568/AS].

    Static Testing of Deep Foundations (FHWA-SA-91-042) is available from the Office of Technology Applications.

    The Osterberg Cell for Load Testing Drilled Shafts and Driven Piles is available from the Office of Technology Applications.

    Geotechnical Metrication Guidelines is available from the Office of Technology Applications.

    Manual on Advanced Methods for Slope Stability and NHI workshop presentations are available.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration


Project Manager
Chien-Tan Chang
(202) 366-6749